Caterpillar Club - Halloween Theme Box 8

June 29, 2022

Add some Hocus Pocus to your life... welcome to the enchanting Box 8 of the Caterpillar Club! 

The Caterpillar Club is a bimonthly cross stitch subscription box that guarantees a supportive community, a beautiful themed box every 2 months including at least 3 top quality curated goodies and a brand new exclusive kit designed by a guest designer (someone famous in the cross stitch world you may or may not have heard of!)

This Hocus Pocus box comes with all of the great quality supplies needed to create the perfect thrilling cross stitch project, along with a selection of other spook-tacular themed treats for the spooky season! This is the first box to include not 3 but 4 amazing themed goodies plus the chance to receive one of our 20 special 'trick or treat' boxes with additional item included!

Be sure to subscribe by tapping here before midnight on 14th July 2022 to guarantee your place to receive your special treat box in the post containing a brand new cross stitch kit, 2 styles of luxury Halloween themed ribbon (black 'boo' style and bright orange pom poms), purple star and round orange magnetic fabric holders, a 6 inch Elbesee embroidery hoop and a delicious Hocus Pocus iced vegan cookie for you to enjoy while stitching!

Choose from a rolling bimonthly subscription and receive a new box every 2 months or save a whopping 15% off the next 6 boxes by paying up front to secure your next 12 months' of relaxing stitching!

Please stop scrolling now if you'd prefer a complete surprise.  

 halloween hocus pocus box cross stitch

The full cross stitch kit comes with easy-to-follow instructions, a colour professionally printed pattern on one page of A4 paper, a pre-sorted Carlos the caterpillar thread holder, DMC stranded cotton in 7 stunning shades, grey Zweigart 14 count aida fabric (perfect for beginners) and a DMC branded size 24 needle.

This awesome candy and witch inspired design was created by Autumn Lane Stitchery from the USA, whose design is influenced by their love of all things Halloween and beautiful vibrant colours. 

There's no need for you to venture out into the darkness on All Hallows' Eve - instead you can stay in and snuggle up with a warm blanket, cup of hot chocolate, your favourite spooky film and your new cross stitch project! 

This kit is completely manageable and can easily be completed within a couple of weeks. Imagine a cold September night, relaxing at home stitching away with some yummy snacks on hand, just waiting for the eager knocks of excited little trick-or-treaters on your front door! Finish off your stitching in the hoop provided and glue on your orange pom pom trim for a super-easy and unique decoration!

halloween hocus pocus box cross stitch

Your completed cross stitch project would also make the perfect handmade gift for a loved one to make them feel extra special. The finished project could be framed, displayed in the hoop or even turned into a little cushion (click here to watch some video tutorials on these finishing styles).

Many of our subscribers choose to treat their loved one to a surprise Caterpillar Club Box, and this would be the perfect autumnal project for them. If you leave us a message at checkout, we'll even handwrite a personalised gift note to be included in their box!

halloween hocus pocus box cross stitch

Our customers often forget their subscription box is on its way, and it's a wonderful surprise to get home after a long day and find it waiting for you! The perfect way to reduce screen time this autumn and zone out while learning a new crafty skill.

Customer Review from Jan
I'm so glad I joined the Caterpillar Club! It was so exciting to not only receive the pretty cross stitch kit but 3 great surprises too. Can't wait for the next box!


halloween hocus pocus box cross stitch cookie

Places for the Hocus Pocus box 8 close at midnight on 14th July 2022. You can easily pause or cancel your subscription at any time if you want to take a break. Catch up with other subscribers in the Facebook group. With over 14,000 members, there's a ton of support available 24/7 no matter where you are in the world and you're sure to find someone nearby! 

Click here to subscribe today and join the club!

 Happy stitching

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Caterpillar Club Box 21 - Believe in Magic

August 14, 2024

Joining the Caterpillar Club is a simple way to learn a new, crafty skill, or add variation to your craft pile. Every box has a different theme - no more wasting time scouring the Internet or browsing your local craft stores for new designs to stitch or new accessories to try! Everything you need is already at your fingertips.

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Holly Jolly Kitchen Stitch-a-Long 2024 - the Details!

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witchy way
Witchy Way Cross Stitch-a-Long 2024 - spooky details!

June 03, 2024

Brand NEW 'Witchy Way' SAL opens for pre-order on Friday 7th June at 5pm UK time and we're so excited to share the details with you. 

Calling all cross stitchers! Come with us on a stitchy magical spooktacular where creativity meets magical mystery. Join a supportive community of crafters, celebrate milestones, and share the joy of creating a fun, Halloween street-inspired masterpiece

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