Welcome to the Caterpillar Cross Stitch 'Stitcher of the Month' competition for December 2023 where the winner will win a £20gift voucher! Our proudest achievement is the friendly, positive community we have built together, and this is a fantastic way to honour one special stitcher each month.
Welcome to the Caterpillar Cross Stitch 'Stitcher of the Month' competition for September 2023 where the winner will win a £20gift voucher! The community we have built together is so special, and I want to showcase the personality and story of a special stitcher each month.
As a young adult and a busy primary school teacher, I embarked on the huge Noah's Ark, it took several years but I completed it just before my first son was born and it has been up in his room ever since. It is probably my biggest achievement in cross stitching!
I love cross stitching because it is anescape from everyday life. Cross stitching is something that needs to always exist and I love being able to continue the trend. I would definitely not be who I am today if it was not for a hobby like cross stitching. Find something you love and grow with it.
My motto is ‘I’d rather be stitching!’ and it really applies to me! I stitch in as much of my spare time as I possibly can. I find it relaxing and enjoyable to see the project grow into something fantastic. It’s very satisfying! I’m a mum and I also have a fairly stressful job so cross stitch helps me to relax.
As we near the end of 2021, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the past year, acknowledge each step on our journey and take the opportunity to thank so many of you who have made such a difference this year as Caterpillar Cross Stitch turned 6 years old!
I find cross stitching very calming and it is the one thing that helps me to switch off from the world around me and have a peaceful moment of bliss, whether that is 15 minutes or a couple of hours!
My husband started law school prior to my teaching job beginning so I needed something to occupy my time. I went out to Williamsburg Pottery and found a small ornament cross stitch kit and the journey began. I was never the creative type but I loved the simplicity of following a pattern - if I can create masterpieces, so can you!
Get the preparation right, so count, count and count again before you make your first stitch. Make sure you have your threads laid out in a manageable way so that they do not become a tangled mess and take your time. She also said that she stitches a little bit of love!