Positivity Lifts Stitch-a-Long 2023 - the Details!

April 28, 2023

If you're looking for a modern and bright cross stitch project, friendly community support and a creative outlet, this 2023 stitch-a-long is for you.

The brand new 'Positivity Lifts' stitch-a-long is open for pre-order now and we're delighted to be able to share all of the exciting details with you! 

This 5-month long, mystery cross stitch project is a fantastic way to connect with thousands of other crafters and stitch a colourful, hot air balloon style pattern from June to October 2023, all at the same time.

cross stitch SAL 2023 love

It's counted cross stitch so there's no printing on the fabric. You can personalise the project if you would like to! We don't include any back stitch or fancy stitches which makes this a really relaxing project to compete because you don't have to worry or think too much about it. 

Enjoy full kits with all of the great quality supplies from DMC, Zweigart and local UK suppliers or PDF patterns only so you can work digitally and use up your own stash! With no tricky French knots, back stitch or fractional stitches, this pattern will be a breeze to complete on the go! 

If you enjoy modern cross stitching or embroidery, and you're looking for a craft to keep your mind occupied, this is the perfect solution. If you're passionate about positivity and well-being, this will also serve as a reminder to be kind to yourself and keep things in life balanced when its on display. 


This cross stitch project will last for a total of 5 months - each month one new pattern piece will be revealed. Not only are all of our stitch-a-longs great fun for more advanced stitchers because the designs are simple and straightforward, they're also completely beginner-friendly. You'll receive digital patterns to instantly download in colour and in black and white symbols to suit all preferences! 

Pick a kit and this will include all of the best quality, pre-sorted supplies needed to create this beautiful needlework project. Try out our new style thread holders with the DMC floss wound neatly onto each section with holes included for left over threads and sections to keep the ends tidy! You'll also receive generous lengths to allow for happy accidents and if you run out, we'll send more for free.

The part 1 pattern is released on 23rd June 2023. 

Once complete there's plenty of ways to finish off your project. Try framing, mounting, creating a cushion or wall hanging or use a backing board to create a welcoming decoration in your hallway. We have plenty of finishing tutorials and inspiration on our YouTube channel

positivity lifts cross stitch pattern


If you're just starting out on your cross stitching journey, this is a fantastic way to get involved and learn as you go. Each section is small and manageable, you'll have access to unlimited support (from us and our amazing Facebook group with over 17,000 members worldwide) and you can complete each instalment at your own pace with no obligation to keep up. 

The full kits contain Zweigart fabric (choose from 14 or 16 count aida or a soft 28 count evenweave), DMC needle, DMC threads/floss, card thread holder, colour key and illustrated step-by-step instructions. We recommend picking 14 count aida if you're just starting out.

positive words cross stitch

Alternatively, if you'd rather use up some of your stash or switch out the colours, you can opt for PDF patterns only which come with thread codes, lengths required and the project sizes.


It's suitable for everybody! You might be a complete beginner or someone who already enjoys other crafts like crochet, quilting or embroidery. If you are a more experienced stitcher, this is a lovely, fun and relaxing design.

Think positive words, typography-style cross stitch in the shape of a hot air balloon - perfect for those who want to spread joy to themselves or others! This design complements the Positivity Rules design, so it's a great idea to stitch both side by side. 

Contact us by email support@caterpillarcrossstitch or over the phone (+44) 01926 485 045 Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm. Join in with confidence as we have heaps of experience hosting stitch-a-longs (we've done 19 now) and we have a ton of 5 star reviews!  

While stitching, also join us in the dedicated Facebook group to share your delight, stitching progress and be inspired by the community's unique work, now with over 17,000 supportive members. 

"I absolutely love this company, everything I have bought so far is great quality and all their patterns are so pretty. I would 100% recommend this company to any cross stitchers."  - J Gregory

Take advantage of the option to send some supplies directly to a lucky recipient as a crafty, unique gift. Simply add their shipping information and enter a message at checkout and we'll include a handwritten gift note for free to make the experience extra special. If you're in different locations, you could buy 2 and stitch together over Zoom while catching up! 

positivity lifts stitch along zweigart fabric

Pre-order is open now so please tap here to be one of the very first to get your hands on our mid-year SAL. Orders are being shipped internationally and there's plenty of time before the start date in June. 

When it comes to supporting our community, we'd be glad to hold your hand along the way and provide as much encouragement as you need! You can also receive tips, tricks and tutorials on our Facebook and Instagram pages, as well as our YouTube channel. 

We offer a full satisfaction and money back guarantee because we're that certain you're going to love your goodies!


It's a wonderful, beginner-friendly creative outlet and an easy way to keep your mind and body relaxed and stress-free. 

You're stitching the same project at the same time as thousands of other stitchers across the globe. Taking part in a stitch-a-long is an especially great way to meet like-minded people and make new friends! 

Cross stitching has endless mental health benefits. It's an easy escape from day-to-day life and a wonderful way to keep your mind and body calm and relaxed. Imagine a long day at work or with the kids and sitting down of an evening, for your own 'me time' with a brand new exciting project!

Why not treat yourself to the ultimate bundle and add on the brand new Complete Cross Stitch Planner (to keep you motivated and organised) and a handy project bag!


Always getting needles lost or stuck in the sofa? Shop the joyful Sunshine needle minder to secure your needle at all times. This brand new, themed needle minder is a lovely reminder that the sun is always there even on a cloudy day. Find out more about our range of needle minders here and take advantage of our current pick and mix 3 for £23.90 offer!

We'd be absolutely delighted to have you join us for the Positivity Lifts stitch-a-long so please tap here to find out more

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