British Isles Adventure Stitch-a-Long - the Details!

November 29, 2022

Here we go, it's the big 2023 British Isles Adventure stitch-a-long and we're getting ready to explore!

Are you interested in joining thousands of other creatives to stitch a beautiful travel / map-themed cross stitch project from January right through to June 2023? You're in the right place! The British Isles Adventure SAL could be the perfect new start for you to make friends, relax and be inspired. 


Join us for this exciting, mystery British Isles map inspired cross stitch project as we reveal one pattern piece every month for 6 months in total. It's completely beginner friendly and is a wonderful way to learn more about the landmarks, foods, animals and flowers of England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and take some peaceful time out for yourself.

All of the award-winning supplies (full kits and accessories) are shipped from 9th December 2022 onwards following the pre-order date of 30th November and you'll then receive an email once a month containing the digital PDF patterns to complete each section, one manageable part at a time!

In June 2023 when the stitch-a-long is complete, easily turn it into a cushion, finish it mounted, framed or as a wall hanging using our simple video tutorials here.


If you're new to cross stitching, this is a fantastic way to get involved and learn as you go. It's not overwhelming because there's no pressure to keep up, there's unlimited support (from us and our amazing Facebook group with nearly 16,000 members worldwide) and tips available as you stitch each small section. 

All of the beautiful supplies from the top needlecraft brands (including Zweigart and DMC), are ready cut to size. So your fabric is the right colour and size for this design (with sufficient allowance around the edge for finishing off). If you're a beginner, I recommend picking the 14 count aida option as it's the easiest to stitch on!

The DMC threads/floss come in 14 beautiful vivid shades that look incredible when stitched on the delicate pale blue fabric background (to represent the ocean). They're all pre-sorted onto a new style Carlos the caterpillar thread holder you can use time and time again. The generous lengths give you plenty of thread to complete the project and if you run out, we'll send more for free! 

The full kits contain Zweigart fabric (choose from 14 or 16 count aida or a soft 28 count evenweave), DMC needle, DMC threads, card thread holder, colour key and illustrated step-by-step instructions. Alternatively, if you'd rather use up some of your stash, you can opt for PDF patterns only which come with thread codes, lengths required and the project sizes.

british isles cross stitch


This exciting community project is ideal for beginners, experts or someone returning to cross stitch after a break! We use full stitches only so there's no tricky French knots, back stitch or fractional stitches. Think famous landmarks, beautiful flowers and cute little icons - perfect for anyone who loves to travel! This design also complements the Adventure Awaits world map design so you could always stitch both side by side. 

You might have been cross stitching for a while but never taken the plunge into a 'SAL' or you could be a complete beginner - this stitch-a-long is the pattern for you! You can contact us by email or over the phone on (+44) 01926 485 045 Monday - Friday. We also have a ton of 5 star reviews so you can join in with confidence. 


The colour (and black and white symbol) PDF digital patterns will be a lovely surprise each month when they land in your inbox. You can print them yourself or simply take advantage of stitching on the go, using a device and zooming in!

While stitching, also join us in the dedicated Facebook group to share your delight, stitching progress and be inspired by the community's unique work, now with nearly 16,000 supportive members. 

 caterpillar cross stitch review

You can also have a kit shipped directly to a recipient as a crafty, unique gift! Add their shipping information at checkout and leave us a gift message. We'll handwrite this onto a gift card to make the opening experience for them extra special! Why not buy 2 and stitch together over Zoom while catching up if you're in different locations. 


Pre-order for the British Isles Adventure SAL opens at 7pm UK time on 30th November 2022 - be quick and be one of the first to get your hands on a kit! We are shipping orders out from 9th December onwards. We can get your items to you anywhere in the world and there's plenty of time before our start date of 26th January 2023.


This is the 19th stitch-a-long we've hosted so you might say we're experts when it comes to supporting this stitching community and we will hold your hand every step of the way to provide as much encouragement as you need! If that's not your thing, you can also follow along and get help via our Instagram and YouTube channels.

We offer a full satisfaction and money back guarantee because we're that certain you're going to love your goodies!


There are so many wonderful benefits of cross stitch generally - relaxation after a stressful day at work, keeping your hands busy and away from the phone or snacks, providing a creative outlet and new focus in your spare time and of course improving mental health. 

With these projects you're not stitching alone. You have a whole crafting family around you to chat with and make friends over the course of the project. We have regular Facebook live events too!



This year you can also add on the beautiful London bus needle minder! The glossy enamel colours in the needle minder match the thread shades in the design perfectly. Find out more about our range of needle minders here and take advantage of our current 3 for £23.90 offer!

I'd absolutely love to have you join forces with us for the British Isles Adventure stitch-a-long this Jannuary.  

Shop here from 30th November 2022 onwards!

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