Caterpillar Club Box 19 - One More Chapter

April 04, 2024

Welcome to Box 19 of the Caterpillar Club - 'One More Chapter' 

Maybe you're a crafting fanatic, or maybe you're a complete beginner looking for a new, creative hobby? Either way, you will adore the fuss-free Caterpillar Club subscription boxes

These thoughtfully curated, Insta-worthy cross stitch boxes are the perfect pick me up, arriving straight through your letterbox once every 2 months. 


It's a beginner-friendly craft subscription box. Each one has a different theme, contains an exclusive, full cross stitch kit (not found anywhere else!), and has been designed by a talented, well-known artist just for you. The stylish box also comes with 3 useful, cross stitch-specific goodies that complement the design.

Previously subscribers have received needle minders, wooden Elbesse hoops, floss-drops, backing fabric, ribbon, washi tape, and more! 

Caterpillar club box 19

Long gone are the days spent endlessly scouring the Internet looking for new designs to stitch! Subscribe to the Caterpillar Club and receive a beautiful, brand NEW project straight through your door (yep! The eco-friendly boxes are even small enough to fit through your post box).  

The individual items add up to heaps more than the subscription price, so you will save money while trailing useful, stitchy items that would otherwise be costly! 

We offer 2 subscription options - pay upfront to save 10% and secure your next 12 months of enjoyable stitching sessions, or sign-up to the rolling, bimonthly subscription. 

One of the designs not suited to your style? No problem. It's easy to pause, skip, or cancel your bimonthly subscription at any time. 


These little boxes of delight are hand-packed with love, care and attention by our fantastic team at Caterpillar HQ in Warwickshire. No 2 boxes are the same - join the club to easily add variation and excitement to your WIPs! 

Get excited in the run up to your delivery day, or, if you're anything like me, completely forget that your order is due and return home from a long day in the office to a joyful surprise! 

Lost your stitchy bug? Fun, bright, and animated design 'One Chapter More' is guaranteed to provide inspiration and reignite your passion for crafting. 

Box 19


The quirky design features decorative bookshelves where the colourful novels, a plant, and a globe, are wearing adorable happy faces! The project is complete with easy-to-follow instructions, an A4 colour printed pattern, DMC stranded cotton, 1 DMC branded needle, white Zweigart 14 count aida fabric (recommended for beginners), and a pre-sorted Carlos the Caterpillar thread holder. 

Self-confessed bookworm? Subscribers will also enjoy a 'One More Chapter' book-shaped cookie and 2 charming heart and star-shaped book corners! 

Box 19


One Chapter More was designed by gifted crafter Mollie Johanson. This adorable design features imaginative bookshelves, where the colourful novels, a plant, and a globe come to life. 

Impress house guests and proudly display the finished pattern on your bookshelves, or offer the finished piece to the reading enthusiast in your life for a thoughtful, handmade gift.caterpillar club box

This is all available for just £25 (even less if you use code 15BOX19 for 15% off your first box)!

There's only one way to secure One More Chapter -  tap here and subscribe before midnight (UK time) on the 14th of May 2024. 

The finished piece could be displayed in a hoop, framed, or even turned into a cushion (click here to access our YouTube channel and watch some simple video tutorials on finishing styles).


Why not purchase the Caterpillar Club subscription service as a gift for someone special? These little parcels of happiness really do make the most thoughtful present. Leave us a little note at checkout and we'll include a personalised gift note to be included in their box for free! 

Customer Review from Dave 

“Ordered as a mother's day gift for my wife. She received her 1st box and is thrilled with it. I've earned so many brownie points from this great product and there's one every 2 months, meaning means I'll never be in the dog house again! Thank you so much for making her smile." 


Places for 'One More Chapter' will close the dot of midnight on 14th May 2024. 

Join our friendly Facebook group to connect with like-minded stitchers - with over 19,000 members, there's heaps of support and advice available 24/7. 

Tap here to join the Caterpillar Club today!

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