
Here's a selection of the wonderful publications we've been kindly featured in. If you'd like our press images and copy for an article, please get in touch by email. For interviews with Sally Wilson, appearances or talks, please also email us with your preferred dates and details of the event. 

If you spot Caterpillar Cross Stitch somewhere, please do let us know by sending an email and photo to!

BBC London Radio - March 2022

Daily Mail, November 2020

daily mail caterpillar cross stitch

World of Cross Stitching, issue 290 February 2020


 World of Cross Stitching Magazine, issue 288 November 2019


Cross Stitch Crazy Magazine, November 2019














The World of Cross Stitching Magazine, November 2019















Cross Stitch Crazy Magazine, May 2019

Cross Stitch Crazy Magazine, March 2019

Kenilworth News, February 2019

Cross Stitcher Magazine, February 2019

Cross Stitcher Magazine, February 2019


Cross Stitch Crazy Magazine, February 2019


Cross Stitcher Magazine, October 2018

cross stitcher magazine caterpillar cross stitch

Cross Stitch Crazy, September 2018

cross stitch crazy caterpillar cross stitch SAL


Cross Stitcher Magazine, April 2018

modern cross stitch kits tips for beginners caterpillar cross stitch cross stitch top tips



The World of Cross Stitching Magazine, August 2017

world of cross stitching magazine best buys modern x stitch world of cross stitching magazine best buys modern x stitch

Cross Stitcher Magazine, Sketchbook Secrets, Summer 2017

cross stitcher magazine summer 2017 modern alphabet caterpillar cross stitch sketchbook secrets


 Cross Stitcher Magazine, October 2016


cross stitcher magazine caterpillar cross stitch sally wilson interview modern cross stitch kits


Cross Stitcher Magazine, June 2016


cross stitcher magazine caterpillar cross stitch sally wilson interview modern cross stitch kits  

Toddle About Magazine, April 2016

cross stitcher magazine caterpillar cross stitch sally wilson interview modern cross stitch kits

cross stitcher magazine caterpillar cross stitch sally wilson interview modern cross stitch kits


Mollie Makes, February 2016

Mother's Day cross stitch pattern available on their blog.

mollie makes magazine caterpillar cross stitch sally wilson interview modern cross stitch kits


Kenilworth News, February 2016

cross stitcher magazine caterpillar cross stitch sally wilson interview modern cross stitch kits

cross stitcher magazine caterpillar cross stitch sally wilson interview modern cross stitch kits