North American Adventure Stitch-a-Long 2024 - the Details!

April 08, 2024

Calling all cross stitchers! Come with us on a stitchy road trip around North America, where creativity meets adventure. Join a supportive community of crafters, celebrate milestones, and share the joy of creating a fun, travel-inspired masterpiece.

Brand NEW 'North American Adventure' opens for pre-order on Friday 12th April at 5pm UK time and we're so excited to share the details with you. 


Envision a community of stitching enthusiasts, working simultaneously on a mystery cross stitch pattern! Once a month we'll send a surprise pattern piece directly to your email address starting 22nd May and ending in August. The one-off price contains all 4 pattern pieces. 

Join the North American Adventure SAL and learn from fellow stitchers in our dedicated Facebook group. Participants are encouraged to stitch at their own page and share progress photos or experiences along the way! Participating in a collaborative craft project is guaranteed to spark conversation and closeness with other stitchers. 

North American stitch a long

Take a stitchy tour around North America, journeying through your favourite landmarks, monuments, and other, popular North America-related motifs.

All Caterpillar Cross Stitch patterns are designed with beginners in mind, including our SALs. North American Adventure will not include tricky French knots or back stitch, and the design is absolutely suitable for first-time cross stitchers.  

Ordering a full kit? You will have the option of 14 or 16 count aida (we recommend 14 count for beginners), or a 28 count evenweave. The full kit contains all of the pre-sorted supplies needed to create this fun needlework project. 

You will receive more floss than you need for the design (allowing room for happy accidents), and in the unlikely scenario that you run out, we'll send additional thread free of charge. 

If you prefer PDF patterns only, we'll provide everything you need to know (fabric colour, size, thread lengths and colours) so that you can use items from your stash or take a trip to your local craft store and source the supplies yourself. 

North American Adventure will be spread across 4 months, starting in May and finishing in August. To join simply tap here on 12th April at 5pm UK time and we'll take care of the rest. 

Your first pattern piece will arrive in your email inbox on 22nd May at 12 midday, and the other pattern pieces will follow in June, July, and August.

north american stitch a long

North American Adventure is counted cross stitch, so there's no printing on the fabric. it's really easy to personalise the design if you wish.

If you enjoyed stitching Adventure Awaits or British Isles Adventure you are guaranteed to love North American Adventure. All 3 designs complement one another so it's a fantastic idea to stitch them side-by-side! 

Need some support? We have tutorials for anything and everything cross stitch related on our YouTube channel, and our friendly customer service team is available Monday-Friday 9-4pm (London time). 

Don't forget to share progress photos with the community. We love seeing your hard work and celebrating your collective achievement! 


Anyone can participate! Beginner stitchers will benefit from unlimited support (from us and our friendly Facebook community). 

If you're an experienced stitcher looking for a relaxing break from your bigger cross stitch pieces (while staying creative), the North American Adventure SAL is perfect for you.


The full kit contains the highest-quality supplies on the market - pre-cut Zweigart fabric, pre-sorted DMC thread, 1 DMC needle, a colour key, and clear, step-by-step instructions. 

Our customer service team is contactable by email,, or over the phone (+44) 01926 485 045, from Monday - Friday, 9am - 4pm. Join with confidence! We have heaps of experience hosting successful SALs since 2017, with heaps of 5-star reviews. 

Surprise someone special with unique, crafty gift! We can ship directly to the recipient, complete with a handwritten note for that special touch. Pre-order opens on Friday, April 12th, at 5pm UK time and we ship worldwide!

Customer Review

"I am loving doing this. The quality of the aida, needle and floss is rare and a joy to stitch. I am loving the design and the colour palette. I am also loving stitching with others. I can't wait for the next instalment."  

- Theresa 

Did you know cross stitching is proven to improve wellbeing? Crafting keeps your mind and hands relaxed and stress-free, and cross stitch is often referred to as 'yoga for the mind'. Joining a SAL can be especially beneficial if you struggle with mental health challenges. 

Participating in a SAL is the best way to meet like-minded individuals! Working on the same project will spark conversation and friendship with other stitchers. 

Treat yourself to the ultimate bundle and add on the Complete Cross Stitch Planner and a handy project bag. These bonus supplies will ensure and easy set up for the SAL and encourage you to keep tidy and organised when stitching! 

Cross stitch is a wonderful craft, even for those who don't consider themselves to be a creative person. It's beginner-friendly, easy to learn, and provides a well-deserved sense of self-achievement.  

north american stitch a long
We offer a full satisfaction and money-back guarantee because we're that certain you're going to love your goodies!
  • A unique approach to a cross stitch project, allowing you to take time stitching without having to worry about completing a full design in one stitch sitting.
  • Beginner-friendly designs with no tricky backstitch, speciality stitches or French knots.
  • Perfect moment to break down your larger cross stitch projects and stitch in a different and refreshing way.
  • Clear patterns in colour and in black and white symbols. You can even easily personalise your project!
  • A creative stitch that allows you to connect with fellow stitchers, all while creating a modern and exciting cross stitch project.
  • Monthly pattern delivery - receive a new PDF pattern straight to your email inbox every month.
  • No time pressure! Enjoy the relaxing 'me-time' sensation that cross stitching brings.
  • Supportive community - share your progress in our thriving Facebook group and get immediate feedback, ideas and answers to your burning questions.

Regularly lose your needle? Grab a Taxi! Travel around North America with the matching Taxi needle minder and guarantee your needle will remain right where you left it. Why not take advantage of our pick and mix 3 for £23.90 offer? 

Let the adventure of a lifetime begin and participate in the North American Adventure SAL from 12th April 5pm UK time. 

Tap here to pre-order yours! 



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Caterpillar Club Box 21 - Believe in Magic

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Joining the Caterpillar Club is a simple way to learn a new, crafty skill, or add variation to your craft pile. Every box has a different theme - no more wasting time scouring the Internet or browsing your local craft stores for new designs to stitch or new accessories to try! Everything you need is already at your fingertips.

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Holly Jolly Kitchen Stitch-a-Long 2024 - the Details!

August 10, 2024

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witchy way
Witchy Way Cross Stitch-a-Long 2024 - spooky details!

June 03, 2024

Brand NEW 'Witchy Way' SAL opens for pre-order on Friday 7th June at 5pm UK time and we're so excited to share the details with you. 

Calling all cross stitchers! Come with us on a stitchy magical spooktacular where creativity meets magical mystery. Join a supportive community of crafters, celebrate milestones, and share the joy of creating a fun, Halloween street-inspired masterpiece

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