5 Reasons to Join the Hello Sunshine Stitch-a-Long!

April 23, 2021

Cross stitch has been a blessing for so many over the course of the challenging last year and we've welcomed so many new stitchers into our community. It's been tough at times but we are so grateful to all of you for your support and loyalty at this time! As we head into summer 2021, I for one am very hopeful that things will get much brighter with happy hug-filled days ahead...

Looking ahead to a wonderful summer of gardening, parties, beaches and relaxation, what better way to spend your down-time than with a brand new tropical cross stitch project.

Over the last 5 years, we've hosted 14 stitch-a-longs and loved every minute of teaching new stitchers, connecting with crafters all over the globe and supporting you as your beautiful stitching develops. Hello Sunshine will be our 15th 'SAL' and we are excited to get started on 28th May! Its a bright, summer tree themed cross stitch design that works with the other seasons trees (Hello Pumpkin, Hello Deer and Hello Petal).

Pre-order your full kit or pattern from 30th April 2021 onwards.

hello sunshine SAL

If you've never done a stitch-a-long before, you might be wondering, what's this all about, how does it work and how can I join in? Look no further as in this blog post, I'll explain it all and show off some sneak peeks as we go!

If there was ever a time to take up stitching or a moment to get into your first stitch-a-long, this is it. Summer is the perfect time to learn a new skill (you can take cross stitch anywhere - on a plane, the park or beach) and get stitching a calming new project. Here are 5 great reasons to join us on this crafting journey!

The brand new mystery Hello Sunshine stitch-a-long starts on 28th May 2021 (the digital designs are emailed to you once each month) and it's perfect for beginners because there's no tricky french knots, back stitch or full coverage. Equally, if you're already a seasoned stitcher, you're also going to find plenty of interesting detail in this pattern to surprise and delight!


If you love nature, animals and the beauty summer can bring, this is the stitch-a-long design for you! You'll come away at the end of this exciting community project (with thousands of members globally) with a hand-stitched work of art to be proud of that you can cherish and show off for years to come!

 hello sunshine stitch along


We'll be using the 14 gorgeous shades of DMC thread/floss shown in the images here. The colours are uplifting and will remind you of tropical holidays! The threads are the best quality we can find globally - silky smooth and a pleasure to stitch with. 

If you're new to stitch-a-longs, don't worry because help is at hand. We have full support available in our dedicated Facebook group where you'll be in good company with over 11,000 other stitchers from all over the world. We also have a help from our friendly and encouraging customer service team available by email support@caterpillarcrossstitch.com.

If you're considering this as your first ever stitch-a-long, I would be honoured to have you with us! Hello Sunshine is a mystery 5-part project where one small section of the overall pattern is revealed and emailed to you as a digital PDF file (colour and black and white) once every month. It runs up to September 2021 so you'll receive 5 months worth of lovely, creative time. 

 summer 2021 stitch along

The full kit materials are shipped to you at the beginning but the patterns are slowly revealed over the duration of the project. All members stitch the same pieces at the same time (although there's absolutely no pressure to stick to any strict deadlines, simply enjoy and stitch at your own pace!)

You can choose from PDF patterns only (where you would source your own kit materials from elsewhere separately) or our full kit options with everything you need including your choice of gorgeous snow white Zweigart fabric options (available in 14 count aida, 16 count aida or 28 count evenweave), colourful DMC threads (lovingly cut by hand and pre-sorted on to a special Carlos the Caterpillar card thread holder for ease), a DMC branded needle, full illustrated instructions and thread colour key. Here's all you need to know...


The feedback from stitchers is amazing and I've yet to meet someone who doesn't love making new friends, posting images of their work in progress or getting that little surprise when each new part arrives! Join thousands of other stitchers worldwide for this exciting project. It really does feel pretty cool being a part of something so special. If you'd like to share your images on Instagram please tag us @caterpillarcrossstitch and use the hashtag #hellosunshineSAL so we can share your work with others!


Especially if you're a beginner, you're only facing stitching a small pattern section at a time so its quick, keeps you engaged and isn't overwhelming. And there's absolutely no rush to keep up if life gets in the way! Many stitchers keep up while others take a break or work on other projects and catch up further down the line.

 toucan tropical needle minder


Its different to your job, looking after the kids or doing work around the house. This is time out for you. Peace at the end of a stressful day and a chance to really zone-out! When you start off small but after a while see you've actually stitched a beautiful section that's appeared out of nowhere, it gives such a sense of achievement that money can't buy!

hello sunshine dmc threads


We also have a cute toucan needle minder to complement this stitch-a-long which matches the stitched design. The needle minder has two super strong magnets on the back so it stays in place on your fabric and the needle that's held on top that won't be going anywhere! These handy gadgets come presented on thick backing card and were designed using the same colours as the stitch-a-long threads. We have 18 gorgeous designs and you can now grab any 3 for a special price of £23.90 (applied automatically at checkout).

To find out more about needle minders, watch this quick guide HERE.


A stitch-a-long is a wonderful way to make new friends, really feel part of a community and find your crafty tribe! Join over 11,000 stitchers from all over the world in our dedicated Facebook group HERE. We share photos of our stitching, tips, chat about our day and support each other. If you have any stitching questions, this is the place to be!

The Hello Sunshine stitch-a-long starts on 28th May 2021 and the final part is released in September so this is a great project to enjoy over the next sunny months. 

Click here to SHOP the stitch-a-long and find out more! 

Also in BLOG & NEWS

witchy way
Witchy Way Stitch-a-Long 2024 - spooky details!

June 03, 2024

Brand NEW 'Witchy Way' SAL opens for pre-order on Friday 7th June at 5pm UK time and we're so excited to share the details with you. 

Calling all cross stitchers! Come with us on a stitchy magical spooktacular where creativity meets magical mystery. Join a supportive community of crafters, celebrate milestones, and share the joy of creating a fun, Halloween street-inspired masterpiece

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Caterpillar Stitch Retreat 2024 - Details!
Caterpillar Stitch Retreat 2024 - Details!

May 29, 2024

Our first ever in-person cross stitch retreat is just 1 month away and we're bursting with excitement to meet our fabulous Caterpillar community... 

We're going big! This is the largest in-person event we have ever hosted - expect undisturbed cross stitching time, crafty small business shopping, a quiz, brag table, charity raffle, smalls exchange, and the chance to design your own cross stitch pattern (with experts on hand to help). 

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The Caterpillar Club Box 20
Caterpillar Club Box 20 - Happy Haunting

May 15, 2024

Caterpillar Club Box 20 Happy Haunting is here! This spooktacular design was created by talented designer and cross stitcher Mollie Johanson. 

Happy Haunting contains everything needed to create a colourful Halloween-themed cross stitch project. You'll also receive 3 other spellbinding goodies - subscribers will be treated to an exclusive witch needle minder, themed ribbon, and a delicious lollipop. 

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